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Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness

Critical illness insurance helps to pay the costs associated with life-altering illnesses. If you become sick with an illness covered by your policy and survive the waiting period, you’ll receive a lump-sum cash payment. And, unlike reimbursed health insurance benefits, you decide how to spend the money.  The Lump-Sum benefit can pay for anything from medical expenses not covered to a celebratory trip to Disney. 


Why Should I have Critical Illness Coverage?

Medical advances have dramatically improved the survival rates of people who suffer critical illnesses such as cancer, stroke and heart disease.  Recovery may come with a significant financial cost that impacts both you and the people close to you.

  • About 1 in 12 Canadians is living with heart disease.1

  • Approximately 1 in 2 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.2

  • About 741,800 Canadian adults live with the effects of a stroke (that’s the population size of New Brunswick!).3




  2. statistics/?region=on



How Can Critical Illness Help?
  • It replaces any reduced or lost income for you and your spouse, who may wish to take time off work to care for you.

  • It reduces debt and other financial concerns while you cope with your illness

  • It can help bring in additional help at home for you and your family.

  • It enables you to consider new medical treatments and medications not covered by private or government health insurance plans.

  • It allows you the money to celebrate your recovery; purchase a new car, fly the family to Disney or take time to relax and enjoy life.


As you can see there are many benefits of owning Critical Illness Insurance.  I would be happy to answer any further questions. 


Larizza-Ali Financial
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